February 16, 2022

Getting Started

How many times have you stopped a task before you started it? Most people have dreams and goals that are sitting on the table because they were still thinking about whether or not it’s a good idea or if they have enough time. Some even worry about what other people will think.
All of that thinking leads to more thoughts and then you look up and the year is over.

What is the ONE thing that you want to do, but keep putting off? How important is it to you?
Why is it important to you? What is the story that you tell yourself when you think about starting?

The bigger the idea, the more likely you will feel some anxiety. You might even feel some fear. What if it doesn’t work? What if no one likes it? What if…?

So what. That is one of my favorite Miles Davis tunes. It’s also one of my favorite phrases when people tell their story about being stuck. So, what if you didn’t believe the story? So, what if you succeeded? So, what if it’s hard and will take a long time?

Sometimes, you have to be tough with yourself and say “so what” and watch how your mind becomes free to make things happen.

I love to help people get started! I have two openings this quarter. If you need a solutions partner that will honor your thoughts AND will get you moving, I am a few clicks away.

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