30/60/90 Fastrak Plan

Photo by Jo Coenen

One Goal – 90 Days

30 Days

You will feel more confident because you have well-defined plan and the support you need to implement it.

60 Days

You will feel happier because you are making progress in an area you had given up on.

90 Days

You will feel accomplished because reached your goal.

You’re sick and tired of treading water. You’re looking for a coach because you’ve accepted that you need help. And you are looking for someone to help you get a breakthrough.

I know what that’s like. That was my life before coaching. Every day was a slog. There wasn’t much for me to look forward to. I was stuck in a dying Midwestern town in a dead marriage and dead-end job.

I thought I would never get out. That is until I found my first coach. I had counseling before, but coaching changed my life around so much, I knew I had to become one.

Now, some coaches want you to invest in a six month package. But, I bet, in the back of your mind, you think: how do I know this will work? So you hesitate.

Completely understandable, but…


What if you could get the same results in less than six months?

In many cases, it’s possible to get faster results with a laser-focused goal and a short timeline. Have you ever noticed how much you can get done in a short period of time?

Parkinson’s First Law says “Work expands to fill the time available for its completion.”

Two years ago, I noticed that the clients with a shorter runway got results faster. They were more energized and motivated by short bursts of intense effort because their deadline was right around the corner. And because my program is so intense, I only take 2 clients per quarter.

Think about it this way. If you knew it were possible, would you choose to make $50,000 in 3 months or in 6 months? Well, it would depend on how badly you needed the money.

That’s how I look at coaching. How can I get the results I need to make my life better faster?

Let’s make your life better, faster. Book some time with me. I look forward to talking to you!

Success Stories

Ivy Harris
Ivy Harris


“April is an expert at coaching and mentoring.  Last year, she worked with me to help me figure out what to do next, career-wise. I was going in circles until she asked if it was the job, industry or the location that was important. Once I realized the location was what mattered, it made my job search so much easier. She helped me create a strategic plan to find a job in less than three months. I am so happy now!”

Gloria Huangpu
Gloria Huangpu

MA Candidate in Urban Planning

“When I started working with April, I didn’t know what I was going to do next. All I knew was that I was overwhelmed and burnt out.  She helped me look through my options and figure out what to aim for. She helped me change my thoughts so I could change how I worked. Even though my workload didn’t change, I had a better handle on me, which made it easier to handle the rest. When I was ready, she helped me make the jump to graduate school. I am excited about my future again!”

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